Readers Comments
Mish wrote: Beautiful circle of kindness, Dot. Bless you all ❤️🙏
pluto178 wrote: Sounds like a lovely guy and he has a lovely gal looking out for him in you x
mindyjourney wrote: Have found that those who don’t have much give so fully! Dear Oscar ❤️ and thank YOU!
unknown wrote: So kind of you. And Oscar too 💗
Helenconnell2 wrote: I'm so glad you were able to help Oscar again and it always fills my heart to know he shares with others.
gardengal10 wrote: Thank you for continuing to care above and beyond
Rajni wrote: May God continue to bless the kind soul of Oscar and yours as well.
scully wrote: So kind of you Dot
Dennis wrote: Thank you for making his situation a little more comfortable.