Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Surprise Ending

--by Mish, posted Jan 18, 2023
❤️Kind way to end our Sunday…

Someone left a surprise gift on our front porch last night, rang our bell & walked away by the time we opened the door. It was a Hanukkah menorah with candles….no idea who. 🤷‍♀️ The anonymous kindness touch my heart ❤️ (My intuition makes me think it was the local teenage young man we met & chatted with as he was passing our home a few months ago & then returned once or twice to say hello, that I had posted about a few months ago).

And right after that another surprise came in an email from our neighbor-friend who gifts us her Friday dinners..she shared a photo of herself wearing the apron & oven mitt we gifted her for her recent birthday while she was baking donuts. My heart felt like it was smiling when I saw her photo 🥰

Unexpected kindness ❤️
329 Reads

Readers Comments

SM2000 wrote: beautiful
Rajni wrote: Holiday celebration is a two way street. You proved it by receiving anonymous gift and giving apron & oven mitt to your neighbor.
DANCE wrote: All love and kindness you truly deserve
unknown wrote: Beautiful 💗
mindyjourney wrote: ‘Tis the Season for kindness! 😊 🕎
pluto178 wrote: How strange he must see you as a guiding light like I do lol x

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