Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by kat94, posted Jan 29, 2023
The other day I was at the mall grabbing a gift for a friend who was hosting a dinner.

While browsing one of the shops, a lady came up to me and started a conversation. She said she'd just been given terrible news, that an old friend of hers had passed away with cancer.

I could see the shock and sadness through her eyes and in that moment I know she needed to be listened to and comforted. Which is exactly what I did. I offered her a hug and lent her an ear for however long she needed.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Not a chance encounter…you were her angel. Thank you for doing ❤️.
Mish wrote: You were her earth angel there, Kat. Bless 🙏😇
michelelpurce wrote: niost of the ime a lisening ear is what they need, :)
patjos wrote: how wonderful, I'm glad that you were there for her. :)
lt33 wrote: Oh such an amazing connection you were sent to be there at that moment for her I'm glad you were able to comfort her in her time of need 😍
Helenconnell2 wrote: Thank you for listening to her.
petroskryf wrote: This was so kind of you to support her. Thank you. 🌸
drjoybug wrote: Listening is so powerful. Thank you for helping her
scully wrote: Connections made all the time, thanks for being there
cabbage wrote: Thank you for spending the time with her and not rushing off. Bless you!

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