Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Into The Flow

--by Jacinda, posted Jul 12, 2010

Usually when I drive home I take the fastest and shortest way home...don't we all! Usually the drive takes me about 45 minutes driving from work.

Well a week or so ago, I started to drive a different way home because I got bored of the usual way home. This new way contained lots of traffic, with cars moving at a snail’s pace. In the distance (about 300 meters away), I noticed a huge line of cars trying ever so hard to drive and get into the traffic flow on the main road (which I was on).

I couldn't believe it – it was so easy to do – to stop and let a few cars into the traffic in front...but no one seemed to do that.  Well, that was probably because it was the 5pm rush home from work. When I finally got up to the line of traffic, I stopped and let the line of eight or so cars in front of me. And on the whole way home, if I saw someone trying to get into the traffic flow, I would stop if it was safe to do so and let them into the traffic.

I have been playing this sort of game for about a week now, even though it takes a little longer to get home.  It's so much fun letting people into the traffic flow with a big, friendly wave and smile. It's something you can tell people really appreciate after a long day when they are waiting so long for someone to let them into the traffic flow.

Even though it's only a small action it feels so good to know that I have helped someone in a small way. This is the way I drive home from work now and I love it!!!

1992 Reads

Readers Comments

Lacey wrote: I wish more people did this! I do this, but not as often as i could. It is such a simple action. Thanks for sharing!
flowerpower wrote: Thank you for sharing. I gots warm fuzzies :)
bwawili wrote: Nice!
heartofflesh wrote: Good idea! Hope you still find time to connect with us by posting! You are such a great encourager. Good to have fiends in Newzealand.
springerchick wrote: Good for you!

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