Stories of Kindness from Around the World

☔️ Rainy Day Do’s…

--by Mish, posted Feb 18, 2023
❤️☔️ Some kindness on a rainy Thursday…

Kindness for me: ❤️ Doing more of what makes me happy today… 🧶 crocheting a scarf to gift to a friend….. 📚 Read a lot of  a mystery book that I am enjoying….

Kindness for others: 🕯 Sent a really cool Comfort Candle Holder Pierced with Stars, imprinted with “Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them, but you know they are there “ to a far away friend who is going through a hard time right now… 📕 Sent a book I really enjoyed to another far away friend that I think she will like…💻 Responded to our neighbor’s Instant Messages..he can really talk! , lol…lots of back & forths!

🥰Kindness for others is kindness for me too, because it makes me happy.

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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: Yay! Reading about your kindhearted day fills me with joy. I love the "rainy day do's" :-)
Ma2jojo wrote: We learn kindness and true love at in early development, through play and experience. What a lovely reminder this post is.
Pen wrote: Thanks for your consistent posts. This is the first challenge I have hosted and am clearly doing something wrong as I cannot access this kindness feedback platform as it comes up with How did you practice Kindness Today? and says it will be shared with the world. After I've written what I'd like to say, it says I must put in a heading, and it seems to get posted as a kindness story as well. How do you get here please?
Rajni wrote: Rain and kindness reminded me of rain and rainbows.
pluto178 wrote: A Maven is an expert…….how much I learn here….Pen you need to come onto the community posts click on that at the top then you get kindness acts or community to choose from …hope that helps…….Kindness is it in us at birth or can others create in us a desire or even a need to be kind……I think its a bit of both because some people just don’t understand it and thats okay too. I am more selective in my acts these days as I think I was what is known as ‘overly’ kind……….and oddly or is that the answer to it…….I remember all the people who have told me how kind I am in life and thankfully all the people that matter the most but I respond to that praise and that can create in me yet more desire to be kind…… now ‘I know’ I am more selective but if an opportunity presents itself I will act I do not pursue reasons to be kind anymore…………x
mindyjourney wrote: So many ways to include kindness in a day :))). Well done 😊
kmbhai wrote: so beautiful.
gardengal10 wrote: You are a busy kindness maven! :)
unknown wrote: Sounds like a fabby rainy day! 👍
Dennis826 wrote: Love this. Sending the comfort candle with that quote to your friend is so kind of you. I live very far away from my friends and family as well and have the same quote on a tapestry on my wall. Can say from experience that having that quote around really helps. Thank you for sharing this same quote with your friend.

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