Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Trash day bonus

--by barbaramadison53, posted Feb 21, 2023
I try to pick up the random trash. On Tuesdays when it isn't dark in the morning before work, I take a plastic bag on my walk with Kazi and we pick up trash on our way back. Tuesday is trash day, so I toss it in the curbside bin at the end of my driveway. A great way to start the morning!
361 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Great to do 👌🏻 Kind to Mother Earth 🌍❤️
petroskryf wrote: Thank you for picking up the trash. So kind.
mindyjourney wrote: Took grandpuppy for a walk yesterday and after spotting some trash, set a mental reminder to bring a bag next time :). Thank you for doing!
unknown wrote: Thanks for being kind to nature.
kmbhai wrote: good work.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Excellent x
pluto178 wrote: Great efficiency x
sissylee wrote: Thank you.
fairykats wrote: Nice!!
Rajni wrote: You are doing a very good job. your love for mother earth shines.

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