Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Year Of The ...

--by SissyLee, posted Feb 24, 2023
The year of the black yin water rabbit is almost upon us! It is supposed to be a year of gentleness, introspection and creativity.

I have made several rounds of these origami rabbits and have been giving them to my patients and friends and they also hop into tip jars.

Did you know that a group of rabbits is called a fluffle?
Happy Year of the Rabbit!
483 Reads

Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Good work Sissy!
Mish wrote: Love your create, Sissy!! 🐇👌🏻
gardengal10 wrote: OMG! What darling rabbits! And no, I had no idea that a group is called a ruffle.
pluto178 wrote: Just testing x
pluto178 wrote: Ah had to test as sometimes the replies are frozen and its quite annoying if I write a long one and it doesn’t go lol… Grandson is born in the year of the Earth Rabbit and is kind and sensitive I adored rabbits when I was younger and treated them more like dogs this will be a lovely year with the Rabbit in charge. X
fairykats wrote: So lovely Sissy!
drjoybug wrote: Love those orgami rabbits
mindyjourney wrote: So adorable and perfect for the year of the rabbit! :)))
Rajni wrote: Your creative kindness works well.
petroskryf wrote: I missed this post, the origami rabbits are so lovely.

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