Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Chain

--by kat94, posted Mar 27, 2023
We had a dump of snow last night and a lot of the neighbourhood streets weren't plowed all that well. On a walk today, I noticed a car that was stuck on the road. One of the sidewalk plows happened to be there in that moment and gave him a push to get him out of the snow he was stuck in.

I also had someone new fill in for an absent coworker today. I made sure they felt welcome, showing them around and explaining everything, though they were only there for the day. At the end of the day, she thanked me for my kindness with a bouquet of lollipops.

At first I didn't know what to do with them, but this evening I was presented with an opportunity to give them away. A friend was telling me about how their young child is going through a phase of sensory seeking (licking anything and everything) and doesn't know how to stop the behaviour. I gave the lollipops to her to give to her child as a way to maybe help redirect the behaviour.

Quite the chain of kindness today :)
376 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Full of LOVEly, dear Kat 💗
unknown wrote: Wonderful 👍
unknown wrote: 👍
mindyjourney wrote: A bouquet of lollies, and shared :)))). Thank you for being such a sweet link in that kindness chain 💕
scully wrote: Good job Kat94
DANCE wrote: Lots of kindness!

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