Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Good Vibe Connects Today 😃

--by Mish, posted May 3, 2023
Good vibes today with 2 strangers…one on the phone & one on the street.

Was helped by a really sweet & kind gal on the phone this morning who was a true pleasure. When I ended the call telling her she was a pleasure to speak with & blessed her, she told me “you made my day”…..could feel the good energy between us 👌🏻 Made my day too 😊

Later, on my way to mail tea tags I saved for Mindy, a very smiley, funny stranger greeted me as he was passing out circulars on our block. He had me smiling & laughing all the way to the mailbox! 😁🤣. It’s a bright sunny day here & during our back & forth chat I told him “May the sun always shine on you”…he grinned & said something laugh out loud funny in reply! Another good vibe connect 👌🏻

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Readers Comments

patjos wrote: :) here's a smile from Scotland :)
mindyjourney wrote: Looking forward to crafting with those tea tags! Thank you :)
DANCE wrote: I love it when I'm surprised by the kindness of strangers
pluto178 wrote: I could see you talking to someone on the phone whilst hanging out of the window talking to someone on the street not even hands or ears for someone like you lol…………keep smiling you are making someones day x
Rajni wrote: Kindness is a smile generator.

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