Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Phone Sharing

--by dotmatrix, posted May 4, 2023
We replaced our phones and sent Oscar our old ones since his phone died and he relies on it. They are good phones and he plans to share one with another friend experiencing homelessness who helps people as much as Oscar does. My son and his wife are sending their phones as well so that he can pass them on. I remember as a teen, this kind of tech wasn't even dreamed about. A computer, a camera, and a telephone portable enough to fit into a purse or backpack. But now I can't imagine life without one. Oscar uses his phone to take photos of all the helping people and places. He posts those on his Twitter page @myhomelessmeals as a thank you. The phones we sent have decent cameras.
244 Reads

Readers Comments

patjos wrote: thank you :)
Mish wrote: Awesome, Dot! Bless
Rajni wrote: Your timely help to Oscar will make his life comfortable. You did a wonderful job. Thanks.
pluto178 wrote: Well done no waste x
mindyjourney wrote: Cell phones have opened up worlds of connection and support! thank you for doing and encouraging others to do as well :)
unknown wrote: So lovely!
DANCE wrote: Thank u, so many things we can do to hekp and sometimes we don't even know
4betterworld wrote: Keep those raok coming!

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