Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Day 6:Brownies Once Again! ...

--by lewski711, posted May 16, 2023
Brownies once again! I left these in the staff room today. One coworker told me she had told her partner that she was happy it was April, because I'd be bringing brownies sometime this month.
I gave the last one to our custodian. She thought it was delicious and asked who made them. I told her I had. She looked at me suspiciously, "You or your wife?"
I told her, "Come on! My brownies are famous. Of course I made them." She just couldn't believe something so delicious that brought that smile to her face came from an old, man like me. :)


258 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: This made me smile 😃
unknown wrote: 😊
Helenconnell2 wrote: 😊
petroskryf wrote: Good for you 🤗
patjos wrote: Happy April!
ado wrote: Great. Thanks.
mindyjourney wrote: So….are your brownies from a mix or from scratch? :)
lewski711 wrote: mindjourney: I start with a specific brand of boxed mix. Then, I don't follow the recipe precisely. Baking changes, extra secret ingredients (no nuts), and miraculously they come out scrumdiddliumptious!
SissyLee wrote: Aww — many great chefs are men!
scully wrote: I heard about your famous brownies all the way in Canada 🇨🇦!! Thanks for sharing

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