Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Mowing neighbor's lawn

--by lewski711, posted May 16, 2023
Day 7:
Every year in April I mow my neighbor's lawn. The other day I saw that it had grown into a bit of a jungle and I told him jokingly he'd need to take a machete to it if he expected me to take my mower into his front yard wilderness.
Next day he mowed his lawn and I asked him what I was supposed to do now, "Let it grow again?"

Well, he hadn't touched the patch on the other side of his driveway. So, today after I mowed my yard, I hacked away at his patch.


221 Reads

Readers Comments

matter@# wrote: Like all the time. It would be super year after year after year after year! Like a kindness camera.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Very helpful!
Mish wrote: Well done!!!
unknown wrote: A wonderful act of kindness! 👍
mindyjourney wrote: Thanks for putting your kindness muscle to work! 🌱
Rajni wrote: Good neighbors not only joke but act when needed.
scully wrote: Wow you are on a roll
DANCE wrote: so kind

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