Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I Know This Is ...

--by lewski711, posted May 24, 2023
I know this is a couple days late, but I wanted to share what the catalyst was that got me focused on kindness.

It was Easter Sunday, 2013, March 31st. I entered the drug store on this rainy day and saw three young people (late teens/ early twenties) sitting together under the store's awning. They were loaded with tats and piercings. People entering the store avoided making eye contact, maybe intimidated by their looks.

In the store I couldn't help but wonder why they were there instead of with their families on Easter morning. So, I bought three chocolate-covered, peanut butter-filled bunnies.

When I exited I stopped in front of them handing out the candies. "The Easter Bunny couldn't find you today," I told them. "He said if I happen to see you to give you these."

At that moment, anything that may have appeared intimidating disappeared. Their faces softened. They smiled, took the cany gratefully and thanked me.
"God bless you.""Thank you."
"Happy Easter."
I drove home never to see them again, but loved the way it felt making them happy with that unexpected surprise.

I wanted more of that and decided to challenge myself to continue this at least once a day for the month starting the next day.
So, maybe my kindness has a bit of selfishness to it, because it made ME feel good as well, but I'll accept being called selfish for these kinds of acts.
415 Reads

Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Kindness is a gift we give to ourselves :))). Well done, my friend 🐰.
Mish wrote: Thank you for sharing this with us. It is very moving ❤️
pluto178 wrote: That is true kindness in action well done x
dotmatrix wrote: Beautiful story. I've been avoided because of tats and piercings myself so thank you for seeing past the cliches. ♥.
gardengal10 wrote: You are a gift!
scully wrote: Thanks for doing all these inspiring acts
kmbhai wrote: Awesome 👏

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