Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Happy Spring!

--by cabbage, posted Jun 26, 2023
Some wonderful kids in our neighborhood circle chalked up the street with colorful chalk messages: shared photos of these with lots of folks

"Welcome to the POSITIVE PATH"..."Hello, we hope you have an amazing day"...."You look awesome"...."All you need is family"...."You are amazing"...."Have hope"...."You can do it!"..."Thanks for reading this"

Shared pictures of it with many people to give hope and brighten their day. During times when there is so much negativity/bad news, it is important to amplify those doing good! Also shared an op/ed written by a country music singer about how country music can be a bridge to "lead America out of its obsession with guns"

Brought a card for everyone to sign for a colleague who underwent a very serious surgery this week--holding him in prayer every day.  Also checking in on another friend who was just diagnosed with a health issue. 

Referred someone who recently lost a job to an opportunity that might work for him.

Shared photos of backyard flowers in bloom and gave away fresh greens from the vegetable garden to a neighbor/friend.

Volunteered for 6 hours this weekend.

Called someone I thought would enjoy a phone chat.

Wrote a letter of gratitude to our department chair on Friday (it had been a rough week for her) and was so happy to hear back from her that my message "landed at just the right time."

Also shared some great news about former students' success (top grad program admissions) with a retired colleague who knew made his day :-) just as it had made mine.

Feeling so much gratitude for the natural world.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: I love hearing this about the kid# doing that 👌🏻 And you so give of yourself from the heart ❤️ Blessings, cabbage.
dotmatrix wrote: You bring so much light to the world, dear Cabbage. ♥.
Lovebeingkind wrote: Love your kind acts and those of your neighbourhood kids too! Thanks for caring and being there for others Cabbage. You are a beacon of light! 🌟💗
pluto178 wrote: What a lovely idea x
mindyjourney wrote: We are indeed blessed in so many ways, dear cabbage. Thank YOU for highlighting, encouraging and being the powerful force of kindness that you are :)
Rajni wrote: Happy spring blossomed so many flowers of kindness in your heart. Cabbage, you are welcoming Spring in a grand way. Thanks for your inspirations.

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