Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: Thanks for going out of your way to find the keys! :))
unknown wrote: That is very kind of you going out of your way to retrieve their keys. I bet they must have been so relieved.
Rajni wrote: You got satisfaction of finding the keys and making the lady happy. You got the bonus of free exercise too. You did a very good job.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Very kind to ride back - well done!
pluto178 wrote: What a relief that must have been for them x
Mish wrote: Totally awesome!! Well done, kat
DANCE wrote: Thank you for doing this for them, very kind
cyctw wrote: living a life of kindness, dear kat<3. i know they were grateful for you showing up at the perfect moment<3.
SissyLee wrote: I’d give you a load of karma bucks but I don’t have any!
DotMatrix wrote: Great job, Kat. ♥