Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Best students ever!

--by cyctw, posted Jul 15, 2023
Every teacher says this but...I have the best students ever! Joelle greeted me with this piece of (vegan) pumpkin bread from Philz, where she works. You'll notice I've already had my share! If you've ever had this, you know how scrumptious it is:). Joelle and I have more conversations around being fellow vegans than we do calculus:).

And a senior wrote me a thoughtful thank you, offering me, as well as our mother earth, the best gift ever: she's working toward becoming a vegan! I can't think of a sweeter gift<3. Oh, and every teacher who says they have the best's true<3<3<3.

395 Reads

Readers Comments

Lvoe wrote: Happy birthday 💙 inspirational
Rajni wrote: Your positive upbeat of your students manifest. Your belief and intense desire play the role of catalyst. Thanks for inspiring students to be vegan.
coolschoolcanada wrote: Super students with big hearts!
Mish wrote: Made me smile 😊
dotmatrix wrote:
unknown wrote: 👍
pluto178 wrote: 😋
mindyjourney wrote: Looks pretty yummy! And thanks for appreciating and being such an encouraging teacher :).
cabbage wrote: Yes, so true!!! I have the BEST students ever :-)
cabbage wrote: So glad that you got appreciated with something special.

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