Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Monthly Gifts Giving

--by dotmatrix, posted Jul 15, 2023
Sent out monthly gifts which now include a v-tube creator, two writers, an artist, a videographer team, Mission Wolf, Wiki, a photo site that reunites families with their ancestral photos, and a musician helping refugees. Sent out a one-time gift to Yemen Starving.
84 Reads

Readers Comments

cheeka wrote: amazing
kmbhai wrote: great..
coolschoolcanada wrote: You have done some very unique and thoughtful acts of kindness!
fairykats wrote: way to go!
cheeka wrote: Amazing. thank you
mindyjourney wrote: So many beautiful ways to give, dear dot! Thank you :))
Mish wrote: Bless, Dot 💖
Rajni wrote: God notes all your selfless gift giving. He will bless you profusely. May Others get inspired.
pluto178 wrote: Wow what is the website that reunited photos back in the day of grandparents and great grandparents a photo was always done at a photographers shop and I always thought someone somewhere must have these old records surely they wouldn’t just bin them and now my ears pick up at ancestral photos. Maybe we have such a place in Britain too. X

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