Readers Comments
unknown wrote: Such a fantastic skill. You are very talented dear Mish and so generous with your gifts 🧶❤️
pluto178 wrote: Oooh got a bit of a Sting song there I think lol x
Helenconnell2 wrote: That's so lovely!
cheeka wrote: lovely!
kmbhai wrote: beauttiful..
dotmatrix wrote: Your loving stitches will be felt for many, many years to come. I'm grateful for your creations! ♥
unknown wrote: Wonderful Post!!! Keep it up!!!
Rajni wrote: Crocheting is a very good way to keep heart, hand and mind busy that is a good exercise for mind and hands as well. When you have involved your heart, it creates wonderful gifts. You are doing a very good job.
mindyjourney wrote: Babies are such a gift! Grateful you have this way to channel your loving energy :)
petroskryf wrote: Creative kindness