Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Small Acts

--by LoveWins, posted Sep 11, 2023
I was in my car just pulling out of a local cafe's parking spot when I noticed a man in a wheelchair struggling to get across the parking lot.

I stopped, got out, and helped the man, pushing him to the door of the café. He wasvery appreciative.

I noticed that as we approached the door, that others hurried to help open the door for us. Small acts of kindness do inspire others. 😊
276 Reads

Readers Comments

cheeka wrote: So kind of you!
pluto178 wrote: So thoughtful x
DANCE wrote: How very kind!
Mish wrote: Chain reaction kindness…beautiful ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: They sure do! Thank you for acting on that kindness nudge :).
SissyLee wrote: One act often inspires others to follow suite! Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
DANCE wrote: Thank you for helping
unknown wrote: Great 👌👌👌
petroskryf wrote: Thank you

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