Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Not By Chance

--by latoyamorris6, posted Sep 11, 2023
It’s been over a year since Ive started my neuropathy treatments at a well known location here in Oklahoma. Since then I seem to become very popular, shown nothing but love, kindness and compassion each time I arrive.

Anyway, 2 weeks ago I met a lady who also receives neuropathy treatments there and in her own words were eavesdropping to conversations that I was having with one of the beautiful employees there.

We were discussing how I am a caregiver and ran into some issues with my right leg after a terrible fall that broke & shattered some bones in my rt leg that left me with a large plate and 20 screws. I since had that removed 3 years ago.

Realizing my new challenges led me to have to make some personal changes. So I created some of my latest at home projects (veggies & flower garden, chicken & duck coop and animals that I have at home (such as; chickens, ducks, dogs, 2 cats including 5 new kittens and birds). I was just sharing how I keep busy as part of my new exercise regimen.

This lady (name is Judith) wheels over and politely inserted herself and began asking about my animals but she was more interested in my birds. So I shared that I have a parakeet and she mentions how she has two like new bird cages that was given to her by her deceased neighbor’s family and she had been hanging on to them and she would like to het rid of them. Ironically I could honestly use them both bcs the cage I use now was handmade but without any doors or a sliding tray to rid waste. So mine handmade cage has been a struggling from day one.

Although I appreciated the help I had received from the very special individual now deceased that handmade it. I mean I felt like this offer from Judith was made for me. So we made arrangements for me to meet at her house after my treatment that same day.

I just felt like she wanted to ask me something else and she did on the second visit to pick up the bird cages. Long story short, she asked if I could attend her much need surgery with her bcs she has no one (no parents, siblings, kids) but she has two nephews who live in Arkansas who visits with her every 2 - 3 years.

She shared that she has friends who all seems to be committed to doing other things. Immediately we both realized our instant connection that day.

As part of my career as a caregiver and Judith becoming my client (instantly) was touching Here was an example of two random acts of kindness being displayed to each other from two complete strangers who continued to cross paths until the right time that day.

B.T.W. Did I mention that Judith is 75 years old with other serious ailments and she too was a caregiver for many years. She has worked as a Hospice Nurse and Volunteer. She has worked & volunteered in our communities since the seventies. She deserves to be to treated with TLC and left with her dignity. 

I was honored to be chosen to take care of her after surgery and as her caregiver bcs I believe nothing happens by chance and I want the same kind loving assistance when it’s my turn should I need it. This concludes my story of random acts of kindness! Thanks for listening…
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Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: Simply beautiful connections x
Mish wrote: So two beautiful kind souls connected & the kindness grows & grows….this is wonderful. Thank you for sharing this here & a warm welcome to KindSpring ❀️
drjoybug wrote: A very touching exchange of kindness.
Rajni wrote: Nothing in this world happens without a reason. Our of the present, that of the past lives play its what happens to us.
SissyLee wrote: What a beautiful connection.
mindyjourney wrote: Caring and compassion opens our lives and hearts in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your story with us πŸ’• πŸ•ŠοΈ
dotmatrix wrote: What a beautiful, uplifting story. It seems you were meant to meet. Beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing it. Welcome! β™₯.
unknown wrote: What a wonderful post πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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