Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Talking to grieving friend

--by SissyLee, posted Oct 8, 2023
Took a grieving friend out for coffee to a local cafe.
Keep checking on another friend who came down with covid and now has a sinus infection.
Put a fresh poem about endangered pangolins into the poetry box.
Here is Humphrey, my little squash-nabber.

297 Reads

Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Such caring acts of kindness. You are a good friend. Cute piccie of Humphrey!
unknown wrote: You are so Great 🙏
Mish wrote: Full of kind, Sissy 👌🏻❤️
pluto178 wrote: What a beauty such a joy to look at him x
ado wrote: So many sweet and kind acts. Thank you.
mindyjourney wrote: Lots of caring connections 😊. Thank you and for the cute photo of Humprey!
brindlegirl wrote: Aww look at the little squash nabber 🥰. And a huge big thank you for your kindness towards grieving friend
janfour wrote: Hi Humphrey
mish wrote: Oh to be humphrey.

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