Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Neighbor

--by SissyLee, posted Nov 10, 2023
My neighbor across the street moved into assisted living. Missy May’s human wanted one of the chairs the neighbor was giving away, so we kept it on our porch until she could get it. I went and visited with the neighbor who moved as her family packed stuff up. Her facility is close by and we have plans to visit next week. Missy Mae’s human has already visited her. We will keep out neighbor friendships going.
Begonia got some toys from a local toy maker and received this card.

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Readers Comments

dotmatrix wrote: I get the irony. Mary is a kind legend. In mass. There are festivals and you can celebrate this legendary little girl daily.
DANCE wrote: Thank you for being kind
Mish wrote: Sweet on so many levels, Sissy 💕
Rajni wrote: Your care for your neighbor is very inspiring.
mindyjourney wrote: What a sweet little thanks! And yes, keep those relationships going :)
dotmatrix wrote: Missy Mae was my baby sister's exact name growing up. So cute. So kind, Sissy. ♥
petroskryf wrote: Thank you for your kindness.
pluto178 wrote: I thought about you when I read the poem Mary had a little lamb was based on a girl who took a lamb to school with her…… so its not just us lol x
pluto178 wrote: p.s. This is so lovely x

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