Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Double Blessing

--by Mish, posted Mar 16, 2024
👼🏻 ❤️ 👼🏻 Found out yesterday that the couple I am crocheting a baby blanket for are expecting twins! So glad I asked about the due date (Xmss Eve!)….that's when they told me about twins :)) They are so excited…papa looked a little nervous, but in a nice way, lol. First-time parents ❤️

So I better work fast now that I need to crochet two blankets….am halfway done with the first one 👌🏻

Double fun for me…love to crochet 🧶

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Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: Well done for asking and I know they will be beautiful!
dotmatrix wrote: Twins! How wonderful. I'd be freaking out right now as a new mom. I was terrified of messing up with one! XD ♥
gardengal10 wrote: Thank goodness you had fair "warning" They will be beautiful gifts.
unknown wrote: 👍❤️
pluto178 wrote: Lol just as well you did ask or one of them would be more spoiled than the other……I love that whilst sewing these things you do it with love and kind thoughts it makes it a very special item x
Rajni wrote: It is wisely said "Twice is nice"
mindyjourney wrote: Yay, twins!!! And truly, Michael is sort of like a nephew to you, so…double yay!!!
DANCE wrote: How sweet!!! Bless that family, twins hurray!

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