Stories of Kindness from Around the World

🧢 πŸ‘ΆπŸ» 🧢 crocheting kindness

--by Mish, posted Mar 30, 2024
🧢 The current birth-rate of people I know is keeping my crochet hook quite busy these days πŸ˜‰

I’ve never had so many babies coming in short period of time….must be something in the water 🀣🀣🀣

This one is for our good friends’ daughter-in-law πŸ‘ΆπŸ»

🧢 “Crochet is magical….it changes your mind, your attitude & your mood”

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Readers Comments

Gerkins wrote: My mom made car lap blankets for her great grandchildren and used the same yarn! She also made going home blankets for preemies with her church group that they donated to hospitals. She passed away in 2022 and seeing this yarn again made my heart skip a beat. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work and for making my day!
NoobChick67 wrote: I love the dog sweater the most. Stars all around!
Masspeople wrote: Good morning snoop-dog. Keep being you. Crafty cats need love too.
mindyjourney wrote: Each stitch is full of such love! πŸ’•
gardengal10 wrote: Happy crocheting!
pluto178 wrote: Hobbies are so relaxing x
Drewtopian_1 wrote: My hands are too shaky to crochet, but at least I can admire the finished product. I admire any kind of art.
dotmatrix wrote: Lovely! β™₯
patjos wrote: :) crocheting red berries for our family wreath just now :) Peace!
fairykats wrote: I can't get over how all your creations are so beautiful.

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