Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Flower Bouquets For Administrative Assistant Day

--by lewski711, posted May 31, 2024
About a decade ago for Administrative Assistants' Day I asked my students to bring one flower to school so we could make a bouquet for our office staff. That year we not only got single flowers but full bouquets as well.
A decade later it has spread to the entire school and the office is like a flower shop. Because we've done it for so long, some classes changed things up a bit, bringing plants, making and signing a poster and making individual cards. The kids love seeing the staff smile.

155 Reads

Readers Comments

DANCE wrote: How wonderful!
Helenconnell2 wrote: That's a great initiative and I love how the children have taken it on.
Mish wrote: Truly LOVEly 💕
pluto178 wrote: You really do bring out the best in them x
gardengal10 wrote: Seeds multiplying into a harvest of beauty!
Rajni wrote: With ripple effects, kindness multiply. Students do their Math with inspirations.

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