Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Face Paint and Twish Balloon Animals For Joy

--by lewski711, posted May 31, 2024
Day 26:
Our older daughter has a party business and she has taught my wife (her mom) how to face paint and twist balloon animals.
Our younger daughter lives over a five hour drive from her sister and runs events in her area. She has asked me and her mom to come up next month, my wife to face paint and me, to twist balloons.
So, I've been learning and practice my balloon animals a little each day and have been bringing my creations to the grocery store on weekends or to my school to give to little brothers and sisters (3- and 4-year olds).
Today I gave a yellow dog to Martin, the little brother of a student in my class. Martin has recently turned 3. When I gave it to him this morning his joy brought me so much joy. He squealed, "Doggie!" and ran around the room holding up his new pet.

Filling Martin's bucket filled mine as well.


208 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Oh this so made me smile, Lewski 😊😊😊
Helenconnell2 wrote: Lovely x
gardengal10 wrote: That is so sweet!
pluto178 wrote: Lol its great to get a new hobby lol x
Rajni wrote: Good teacher like you are always ready to learn new things. Making balloon animals is very interesting skill to please kids. Wishing you all the best to have a great time with your daughter making amazing balloon animals.

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