Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Cigarette Butt Challenge - Removing This Frequently Littered Item

--by greenurlifenow, posted Jul 14, 2024
Cigarette butts are one of the top items that are littered, worldwide. They find their ways into our waterways after it rains, and can negative impacts to the planet, including animals.

There was a weeklong Cigarette Butt Challenge, where people would sign up and collect and dispose of littered butts.

It’s incredible how many gross butts you can find, everywhere.

I spent time on the weekend doing this.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Bravo on being part of such a cleanup 👏🏻 👌🏻
VeryGood wrote: Very Good 🙂
gardengal10 wrote: That was quite the challenge!
dotmatrix wrote: Way to go, Green! ♥
pluto178 wrote: People who stamp them out do not realise what damage they cause it should be on the packet. X
michelelpurce wrote: that is awesome. and i am finding used masks around also now. i am going to have to find a safe way to pick them up and dispose of the properly
Rajni wrote: Your love for Mother Earth is admirable. You did a wonderful job.
lt33 wrote: What a kind act you're doing for the environment+ animals ❤🌏
scully wrote: Thanks for doing butt at a time..😀I couldn’t help myself
Lolabell wrote: Companies may help by adapting to a more bugler friendly environment product, historically only man made a natural product trash. Would the large egos go up in the smoke if they thought differently. Cig for thought.

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