Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Persuading Someone To Quit Chewing Tobacco

--by cheeka, posted Aug 4, 2024
Our young community security guard had a habit of chewing Tobacco. My wife persuaded him to quit chewing tobacco as its harmful to his health. She coaxed him that she will order him a box of sweets immediately if he agrees to quitting tobacco. The security guard accepted the challenge gladly and my wife got him a box of sweets. That happened about four months ago. Since then, the security guard has persuaded three other friends of his to quit tobacco. My wife asked him how he managed to stay free of tobacco all these four months he replied "because I gave you a promise I have to stick to it for my life. But madam, i am chewing cardamom sticks in stead and it is healthy, right?"
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: That’s great!! 👌🏻
michelelpurce wrote: How awesome the riipple effect works and you can see it i your act of kindness. Great job! :)
Rajni wrote: Bad habits spoil our health. Your wife did a wonderful job. The best part of the post is security man guarding his character saying "I gave you a promise I have to stick to it"
pluto178 wrote: Chewing cardamom seeds can alter the mouth's pH levels and help your body make more saliva. This helps keep your mouth moist and protects you against dental health issues like cavities. At the very least, cardamom serves as an effective breath freshener. Well done x
DANCE wrote: What a great story, hope her support continues to inspire him
Kevin wrote: The chaw of time will tell, stay big in love, l>kevin
BBC wrote: There is much to be thought of here. Freedom for one.
thehuman wrote: Only the smokers understand, to rest the mind from those that can't. Little slices of frozen pineapple work too.

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