Readers Comments
Helenconnell2 wrote: Big hugs to you too!
pluto178 wrote: How sweet is that he calls to you………..I have been feeling dog inclined lately and I try to resist but my son has this app that creates the dog from your heart……when he did it I knew it would be like our last family dog he so adored but lo and behold a completely different dog came up a shorter legged version of a dog we inherited when he was a baby……..we were both shocked and now I seem to be drawn to them myself. Oh dear I sense trouble ahead lol. X
DotMatrix wrote: Big hugs. Cheers to a day of kindness. ♥
Rajni wrote: Smiles speak lounder than words can.
May Tea give you more energy for kindness.
Dog understood your language of biscuits. Thanks
May Tea give you more energy for kindness.
Dog understood your language of biscuits. Thanks
sissylee wrote: Tea and dogs and cool water handouts — nice.
gardengal10 wrote: What wonderful sharing of kindness (and dog treats!)
michelelpurce wrote: how cute with the dog calling you for is treat! they even know along with all us humans that you are very thoughtful to everyone. :)
scully wrote: Thanks Mish for all that you do
DANCE wrote: So kind always