Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Bit Of Kind Shopping

--by DANCE, posted Sep 8, 2024
A bit of kind shopping :-)
I saw this sign so I had to come in. I sometimes like looking around in charity shops, you can find some hidden treasures, and guess what? I had recently had a worker in our house who admired our cafetiere and said he wanted to buy one for his family. He couldn't find one that he would be able to afford so was a little disappointed. This was 4 months ago. I now found one even better than ours, second hand but in perfect conditions, AND for a very good price! So I got it for him as a gift. I'm sure he'll do more work for us in the near future but even if he doesn't I know his brother is working for a friend of mine so I could give it to him. I'm sure he'll be delighted.

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: That’s so nice, Dance 👍❤️
gardengal10 wrote: What a score!
dotmatrix wrote: Wow, Dance. That's so thoughtful and lovely. I had to look up "cafetière" which is "a type of coffee pot that has a disc with small holes in it attached to the lid. You push the lid down to separate the liquid from the ground coffee when it is ready to drink." I'd never heard the word before. =) ♥
Helenconnell2 wrote: You are always so kind to anyone staying with you.
pluto178 wrote: …no waste thats the ticket. X
lt33 wrote: What a beautiful act of kindness you did for your worker I'm sure he'll enjoy it lovely sign too 🐝 kind and peace too
michelelpurce wrote: so kind and thoughtful of you. Dot thanks for explaining that one. What an interesting word! :) it sounds kind f like a french press.

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