Readers Comments
Mish wrote: That is so beautiful, cheeka 💕 💕 💕
dotmatrix wrote: How beautiful! Thank you for sharing this story. Your neighbor sounds great. ♥
pluto178 wrote: Thats definitely a kindness we have similar neighbours and learn a lot from our acceptance of things as they are…..newbies might start by complaining but they always come around to realising how much more that neighbour has to cope with than us…… clearly your daughter sees the beauty in things and is drawn to them………your neighbours are full of love. X
DrJoe wrote: Your neighborhood is a lovely "Little KindSpring" :)
DANCE wrote: What beautiful words to read, bless you all!
Helenconnell2 wrote: That's such a beautiful story.
Rajni wrote: Your daughter received the kindness she dearly deserved, you being a good neighbor got a kind response from your neighbor.