Stories of Kindness from Around the World

At The Parking Lot

--by gardengal10, posted Sep 28, 2024
As I was transferring my full grocery bags from the shopping cart to my car, another car parked next to me. A pregnant mom removed her toddler son from the safety seat, carried him, and was beginning to walk to the store. I asked the mom if she would like my now empty cart and she happily agreed. As she began to put her son into the child seat of the cart, her son dropped his toy. I picked it up and held it for him until the mom completed her task. I gave the toy to the mom. She thanked me again and then instructed her little charge to thank me as well. The sweetest, cutest thank you from him. All very small, but meaningful acts of kindness
111 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Well done & sweet too 👍❤️
dotmatrix wrote: Aw! This sounds like a lovely encounter, GG. Thanks so much for sharing it with us! ♥
Helenconnell2 wrote: That's lovely x
pluto178 wrote: 👍
cheeka wrote: You were so thoughtful, kind. What a sweet gesture!
lt33 wrote: Your kind gesture meant a lot to that busy mom you sure made a difference in her day 😀
michelelpurce wrote: wonderful and it sounds like the mom is teaching him as well. :)

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