Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Happy September!

--by cabbage, posted Oct 12, 2024
Gave home grown vegetables to several people this week.
Made condolence baskets for two friends who lost their parents this week.

Listened to a stranger in a cafe because she needed to talk and get ideas about what to do (she recently retired)---and then it turned out that she knew a faculty member in a different department at my university! She was wearing some sort of brace and alluded to being injured and healing....and after we finished the conversation she said to me "talking to you lessened my physical pain"---wow....I could not believe that! Made my day.

This evening will take banana bread to a neighbor who is hosting a "crafting circle"--will bring projects I'm making for some babies.

We are in the second week of the semester and feeling very happy about connecting with students and colleagues.

Signed up to help with voter turnout! And this weekend two other volunteering gigs plus music rehearsals for community gatherings next month.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: You live a life of Service & are a blessing, dear cabbage 🙏❤️
pluto178 wrote: 👍❤️
Helenconnell2 wrote: Gosh you're very busy and I'm sure everyone you are helping will benefit from your gifts and time.
scully wrote: Thanks for all you do cabbage! That is a lot
VeryGood wrote: Very Good 🙂
dotmatrix wrote: Lovely. ♥
pluto178 wrote: Gee your holiday time is jam packed…….enjoy x
Rajni wrote: You made many people happy.

Listening is a very nice kindness that people lack these days. Your time spent listening has positive impact. May others get inspired to listen.
michelelpurce wrote: thanks for doing such wonderful things and spreading kindness. :)
DANCE wrote: Such kindness

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