Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Offered Food To Elderly

--by VeryGood, posted Oct 12, 2024
An Elderly Woman is shouting in bus stand "Father, Father...". She is holding a glass and requesting for help. I gave some cash and went off. But that cash would suffice only for a cup of tea or some biscuits. I went to hotel. Packaged plate of IDLI. We get 4 pieces of IDLI in one plate. I went back to that needy Elderly Woman and handed out Packaged IDLI Packet which contains 4 IDLIS and chutney.

599 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Beautiful kindness & caring ❤️ Bless 🙏
pluto178 wrote: What a lovely boy you are you never cease to amaze me with your kindness x
fairykats wrote: I agree with both Pluto and Mish. Thank you for helping the elderly. I love idli. I haven't made them in a while but they are the most delicious. I never knew of sooji flour before. I do love your food and I know the elder is blessed by you.
Rajni wrote: Your timely kindness is very much appreciated.
Helenconnell2 wrote: Thank you for caring and being so kind!
DotMatrix wrote: So kind of you VG! ♥
michelelpurce wrote: such a kind thing to do! :)
sweetbabygirl11 wrote: No one should go hungry. Guess we feel the same. Thanks for acting on that.
yowanda wrote: Yummy,, nice job
sweetbabygirl11 wrote: ( ? )
Would it change the emphasis of your kindness if the term elderly was not included. Some might find it discreet.

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