Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness At The Hospital ................

--by Rajni, posted Dec 1, 2024
Kindness at the hospital

During my recent visits to the hospital, I talked to the patient seated next to me about positivity, Fatemah story and gave positive thinking story in Gujarati.

I gave large quote cards to the doctor I visited,

I gave quote cards  and sister Mindy's Peace dove to another doctor after talking about positivity, Fatemah story and my quote card project and sister Mindy's Peace Dove project who wanted to have photo with me as attached. I gave another book of Positivity in Gujarati.

I cracked jokes with the hospital staff.

I thanked many hospital staff and doctors for their ourteous services and received many smiles with gratitude and Thank You as well.

I am grateful to Papaya Care nurse and caretaker for accompanying me and helping and taking care of me.

I am grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Baba for all the opportunities sending my way and His help and guidance to manifest them.

264 Reads

Readers Comments

greenurlifenow wrote: Glad you are feeling better. 🙂
Mish wrote: You bring light everywhere you go. Bless 🙏🙌
pluto178 wrote: So glad your on the mend x
scully wrote: Strength and peace to you Rajni,and thanks for all the quote cards you pass along
Kmbhai wrote: Wonderful..
cheeka wrote: Amongst every kind act you do for others, your humor also stands out. Thanks for lightening the loads of others with your positivity and humor!

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