Readers Comments
greenurlifenow wrote: That is so kind of you. 🙂
Mish wrote: Aww, Scully so sweet & wonderful!!! Bless you both. ❤️❤️
gardengal10 wrote: How very kind and thoughtful!
pluto178 wrote: That is such a lovely thing to do x
Helenconnell2 wrote: Thank you for helping the man outside the store. I'm sure your help was good for him and the fact you can now call him by name is likely to help as well!
dotmatrix wrote: So kind of you, Scully. ♥
Rajni wrote: Your turkey trio is working well. You are doing a very good job.
DANCE wrote: How very kind!
jyp wrote: Good luck nicola, may god find you at peace with not judging the turkey
Jamieslow wrote: I love a boy named daniel to. He smiles and makes me complete with out knowing much truth, just one side of his long story. I want to buy him turkey everyday so i feel good about who i am to this world, sometimes its isnt much bur when i can bring turkey to a stranger it makes me feel accomplished in what i lack every moment of everydya.