Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Powerful Prayers ๐Ÿ™

--by mindyjourney, posted Dec 15, 2024

Dear KS community, thank you for your prayers for Dance and to Mish for posting.

Just think…our combined prayers encircling the globe sending good thoughts, wishes and positive support - a very good thing.

The power of prayer is not to be underestimated! I read how a man who was having a NDE (near death experience) saw prayers going up to the heavens like fireworks.

That’s how I envision them now, as fireworks, catching the extra attention of the Powers.

I humbly request that you send your "fireworks" a few minutes daily to those in need.

*Today, I exercised and moved my body mindfully in the water with prayers for Down’s Syndrome swimmers being helped by assistants, surgical and medical staff, those suffering and for the Ukraine.

Combining energy with prayer is a powerful way to light up those dark skies!

46 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Circles of prayer hold immense power indeed ๐Ÿ™Œ ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ™Œ
Mish wrote: Beautiful graphicโ€ฆ.saving.
pluto178 wrote: Like Very Good as a child I used to pray for Mum, Dad, siblings, cousins, Grandparents the list was endless then I would panic I may have forgotten someone so eventually like Very Good I saw the benefits of saying to every living thing including the Earth that way I didnโ€™t miss out anybody. So many to pray for at the moment it would take up the whole day but knowing your are sending out love to each and everyone of us must help. May it work soon and we can show peace on Earth and Good Will to all men. X
gardengal10 wrote: Your peace doves have joined in. Powerful picture.
Rajni wrote: I recite "Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavanthu " prayer every day. It includes everybody including me. When I am happy, I can serve others

t means, "let all the people in the world be happy" (Lokah has two meanings in Sanskrit, one: people; and the other: world). In late summer 2008, Bhagawan directed that, hence forward, we should chant Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavanthu which means โ€œLet all the worlds be happy,โ€ (and thereby all the beings in the worlds).
Kmbhai wrote: My prayers are with both of them...
cheeka wrote: Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavanthu!
brindlegirl wrote: Prayer- the most powerful super power we all have!
DANCE wrote: Thank you dear friend
GonzoHunter wrote: Hello! I am new here & here because of Mindy Journey! :) I don't know if it is possible to message members on this site, if it is I hope someone will tell me how, but I wish to contact you Mindy about a kindness you did for me years ago that impacted me so much, so please get in touch if you can, thank you!

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