Stories of Kindness from Around the World

❤️ I Love Our Neighbors

--by Mish, posted Jan 25, 2025
I was asked for some small help by two of our neighbors….one asked if I’d water their newly seeded lawn once a day while they were both at work (it needs to be watered 3 times a day for now). Another asked if I’d take their mail in while they were going to be away for a few days.

Told them I’d be happy to 😊

They think I am doing them a favor, but they too are doing me a favor by asking for my help. It makes me happy to be asked & makes me feel “useful” 😍

Love my longtime, kind neighbors. Feel blessed 🙏

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Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: Definitely a win win situation! x
Rajni wrote: Asking for help is giving kindness opportunity to the helper. It is kindness itself. What love Thy neighbors mean? Love has no value unless put into action. Mish it is a win win position for bith of you.
Brindlegirl wrote: So true. In helping we are so often "helped" and blessed by the deed ♥️
pluto178 wrote: I agree helping others is one of the most uplifting things we can do. I wish you lived closer I have a stack of ironing with your name on it. Lol x
michelelpurce wrote: i feel exactly the same way. It is an honor to be able to help. :)
cheeka wrote: So uplifting to read this story

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