Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping At Work

--by brindlegirl, posted Jan 25, 2025
I work casually in a shoe store and every 3 months we are audited, big time.

I worked Sunday and our audit was the following day - today Monday.

My shift finished at 3.30pm however I stayed back an extra 1.5 hours until 5pm (unpaid) to ensure the store (and each and every shoe box aligned) was in order.

I know many wouldn't bother but I always put myself in others shoes. And my supervisor - a young girl who I love - is the one who cops "the blame" and who the stores outcome falls on.

So I did this for her.

51 Reads

Readers Comments

Helenconnell2 wrote: That was so kindful and caring - thank you!
Mish wrote: You always give your all, brindle. Bless 🙏❤️
Rajni wrote: You did a wonderful job. Money is not important over integrity. Your working extra hour without pay is very inspiring. May others follow suit.
pluto178 wrote: Lol I love that you put yourself in someones shoes lol x
michelelpurce wrote: the place looks great. and i am sure she got kudos for such an orderly place. you sure are a blessing to her and to many others. :)
DANCE wrote: This is so kind of you, so thoughtful, thank you
janfour wrote: Looks great
kmbhai wrote: nice..
JamieCarrollsbabyfat wrote: The girls and boys received a discount of 20% off from sabo'tages training. May they grow to be big people, kind people, good people.
Redbarnpalmercatspupsservicesbiggirlsfake wrote: So kind. Miss read that one, dick and friends.

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