Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Some Kind Acts I ...

--by Rajni, posted Jan 25, 2025
Some Kind acts

I gave many quote cards to residents and staff of PapayaCare, and shop owners when I went out for shopping.

I complemented staff of PapayaCare for their nice services helping me in many ways. I am grateful to all of them for their love care and support extended to me and others as well.

Sent inspiring emails to more than 200 of my contacts.

Wrote a note of gratitude to a friend who sent some food items along with Lamination machine, Lamination pouches, papers and computer printer inks. He went extra mile buying food items for me from shops away from his business place. and sending them to me. I will be indebted for his kindness

Making more than 3000 quote cards to be given away on New Year's Eve as an act of kindness-.

I am grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Baba for all the opportunities sending my way and His help and guidance to manifest them. --Rajni

33 Reads

Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: 👍
Mish wrote: Wow, all so wonderful, dear Rajni. 🙏❤️
michelelpurce wrote: you are so very kind Rajni. i know we all appreciate your cards and emails. Thank you. :)
DANCE wrote: Love those cards, always sharing them thanks to your generosity

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