Stories of Kindness from Around the World

John And Carolyn Share Their Home, Kindness And Love

--by michelelpurce, posted Jan 25, 2025
there is a wonderful couple here where we are staying. they have had a wonderful life together and you can feel the love between them even after 67 years. :) they share kindness everywhere they go. They invited a few of us evacuees to their apartment and he read a few of his poems that he had written over the years. we had homemade cookies and punch for treats as we listened. it was a great couple of hours and we kind of forgot our issues of not being at home. wonderful memories were made. :)
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Readers Comments

pluto178 wrote: This made me chuckle I might do that and then make my friends listen to my poetry I cannot imagine them coming otherwise…. But seriously this is such a nice thing to do and I hope someone picks it up as a thing to do. X
Mish wrote: How lovely a couple…glad for you 🙏❤️ May your way be made smoothe, dear Michele
janfour wrote: Nice to engage with people so sharing.
Rajni wrote: Angels walk on earth in any form including this wonderful couple. May others get inspired

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