Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Right Timing

--by kat94, posted Jan 25, 2025
I was on a long-distance bus ride today, after a weekend away.

There was a lady on the bus that got on after me. She needed to charge her phone but found out the outlets weren't working. I heard her ask the driver about it, who really couldn't do anything about it in the moment.

I saw the worry in her face and realized I had a portable charger on me (handy as an endurance cyclist). I explained how it worked and let her borrow it for the ride. When she was done with it, she handed it back and cried, explaining that her grandson was in the hospital and her battery was too low to call her daughter for an update.
47 Reads

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Oh Kat, you truly were there for her…bless you 🙏❤️
pluto178 wrote: I suspect you were Heaven sent x
Rajni wrote: Your considerate heart did a wonderful kind act. May others get inspired to follow suit.
Helenconnell2 wrote: I'm so glad you were aware enough to help her.
kmbhai wrote: nice..
janfour wrote: Glad you were there for her !
dotmatrix wrote: So kind of you, Kat. Lovely to see you. ♥

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