Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Winter Wonderland for Children of Fallen Soldiers

--by Schlitz60, posted Dec 1, 2010

I had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of something that will forever remain in my memories of Christmas. It's called Snowball Express.

Basically a group of sponsors get together to provide trips to children of fallen soldiers.  This year there were 23 families going to Dallas, Texas to spend some time on a ranch, visit Dallas Cowboys stadium, meet Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, and see Gary Senise perform with his band. American Airlines gate 45 @ LAX was transformed into a Christmas wonderland. There were huge decorations, balloons, food, and a bunch of people who were there at 3am to greet these families and especially the kids.

Prior to the families arriving, we were greeting other travelers. We'd smile at them, wish them a Merry Christmas, and we knew by the looks on their faces that it was going to be a great day for them after all. We'd see them walking down the terminal, maybe not quite awake, maybe a little grumpy from little sleep, or maybe they needed their morning coffee to see the day but once they reached us and our happy smiling faces, it was fun to watch their faces go from frowns to smiles! And all it took was a smile!

But I tell you, nothing, and I mean nothing can beat the smiles and the looks of awe on the children's faces as they entered the Winter Wonderland. Their smiles could've lit up the world. These kids who've lost parents, who first couldn't believe that they were going on this amazing trip then are greeted at the airport with a Christmas Wonderland! Just amazing!

Kids can turn the souriest of people into happy people with just their geniune smiles!

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