Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Every Little Bit Counts

--by mysilentcry, posted Jul 17, 2010

The other day my son and I went to the grocery store. We watched the people in front of us go through the line and watched as the cashier struggled. Her arm was in a brace and it bothered me that she clearly had to be at work. If not she would have been at home recuperating. The person right in front of me had heavy items; the poor cashier banged her injured arm while trying to ring up his groceries and he didn't even think to help her.

I could see by the time it was our turn the poor woman was just about tocry. She rang up the few items I had. I told her that if you just give me some bags, I will bag my own items. She gave me this most thankful look. I didn't think anything of it. I felt bad and didn't want her to strain herself anymore than she had to. As I walked away she thanked me with the biggest smile. I felt so good as we left because I knew I had made her day with the simplest gesture.

Note to self: every little bit counts.

1978 Reads

Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: EVERY bit! So true. Well done!
Bluebell wrote: God Bless your beautiful heart. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
Bluebellgirl wrote: love and compassion can change the world and this story was one of them. :) Keep on smiling
HB wrote: This is a surprising story to me in a way because i live in the uk and cashiers never bag groceries in most shops or supermarkets, we have to do it ourselves. Lovely gesture from you though.
Veena wrote: Good. Nice gesture of yours

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