Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Don't Be Too Busy To Do What's Right

--by Aurelia, posted Dec 10, 2010

Today I was sending out the last of my Christmas packages. As I was leaving, I saw this lady with two huge packages marked "fragile" piled high coming into the Post Office.

I was ready to go right past her and jump in my car.  I had so much to do and I was focused on getting those things done.  But then my brain/heart kicked in and said, "Aurelia...she needs help.  Why didn't you ask her if you could help her with the packages?" 

So, I turned back around and asked if I could help her carry a box and also open the door to the Post Office. She was delighted and told me how her Mom was busy baking cookies for special people and that's what was in the boxes.  That made me smile. 

Don't be too Busy to do what's right....

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Readers Comments

Navnit wrote: Thanks for showing your kindness Aurelia..keep continue...

Merry Christmas to u n ur family...enjoy
JuneBug wrote: I believe when we stop to do what is right, all those things we find so pressing seem to get done anyway !!! :D
Bluebell wrote: Thanks for sharing your kindness. Love and Light and Million Smiles, Bluebell
rna1953 wrote: When we help ppl this way, we do it as a small gesture, but from the other end if we think, it may be a great help. It is good to read the story Aurelia, keep helping people, and your reporting prompts me to narrate a small help I extended to one boy limping to cross a busy highway type road.
warmth wrote: yup abso right, i loved the last sentence of ur story "Don't be too Busy to do what's right...." i will strongly imbibe this positively in my life. Thank u Aurelia for sharing this :) God Bless u
madhur wrote: So nice to know what you did. You are reaching a level where even when we are busy, overloaded we can think of others before self, great. It alwaz turns out that the other person needed help , its amazing :)

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