Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Tribute To My Precious Grandma Who Taught Me Kindness

--by Jolie, posted Jul 16, 2010

Zippy is the word that was so at the tip of my tongue when trying to sum up my precious Grandma Arneson.  She is the matriach in our family.  I'm paying tribute to her today because she has instilled in me a lot of the core values I have towards kindness. 

Grandma Arneson is the most beautiful grandma imaginable.  She has a dimple, ocean blue eyes, and she paints her town red with lipstick kisses (on her grandchildren) :)  You haven't been to Grandma's house until you get the seal of love which is a bright red lipstick kiss on your cheek.

My Grandma is extrememly energetic, practically bursting with love and joy at the seams -- it is a visible shower of love.  That is the only way I can describe being around her.  The minute you walk in her door, she plants a kiss on you and is antsy to feed you all her goodies she has been stockpiling for your visit.

I'm going to visit her today and I can't wait to get a kiss from the one who taught me, Emmy, be kind. 

I love you Grandma Arneson!!

I hope all of you reflect a little about  your Grandma's after reading this post :)

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Readers Comments

Aurelia wrote: Thank You Jolie for writing about your grandma's love and the wonderful example she's been for you. My Mom was the same way and very much loved my our family. I guess we are never too old for a sweet kiss from Grandma or Mom either. :) It's nice that you appreciate the 'gifts' she's given you.
JuneBug wrote: That is so sweet !! I hope my grandchildren write such lovely things about me after I am gone. You are blessed, Jolie, to have such a precious gramma !!! :)

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