Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sunday Morning Coffee Smiles

--by Aurelia, posted Aug 1, 2010

My friend and I were sharing Kindness Ideas with each other and one that  she told me warmed my heart so I wanted to share it.

As a college student she knew, Cindy, would walk to church on Sunday mornings. She'd pass a park on the way and see homeless sleeping on the benches.  She wanted to do something, but didn't know what and she felt afraid also to approach them.  She prayed over it and decided she would stop and get a couple of coffees for them on her way to church next Sunday.

She headed out a little earlier than normal on Sunday and stopped at the coffee shop for 2 coffees. Sure enough there were 2 homeless men sleeping on the benches. She quietly walked over a placed the coffee next to each of them and then hurried off to church. On her way home she saw the 2 of them sitting there chatting and drinking the coffee. She figured that the coffee wasn't hot anymore, but they were happy and that warmed her it does mine thinking of it.


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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: very beautiful :) it warmed mine too :) the best part was to leave the coffee where it is required and leave :) thanks Auree for sharing :) Cindy is supercool :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is very kind. Every kind act makes a difference! Woohoo!
FairyBubbles wrote: That is beautiful!
irishgirl wrote: what a great plan - coffee seems to inspire talking and togetherness and who could need it more than those 2 who she spotted in need of kindness.
JuneBug wrote: Yep, one couldn't help but giggle after seeing them drinking the coffee! I am sure it warmed their inside whether the coffee was cold or not !!! Whatta great idea !!! :D
RonWrite wrote: Sounds like she brewed up some kindness that day!
warmth wrote: mine too (heart is warmed reading this story). God bless u and cindy
mafrika wrote: wow... lovely and that coffee is still heart-warming - teehee
jsmc10 wrote: I'm sure they were both very very thankful, thank you for taking some time out to help others

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