Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Raspberry Danish to Make a Secretary Feel Appreciated

--by Aurelia, posted Aug 5, 2010

Earlier this year, we had a week at work that was a little hectic. Lots of sickness was going around. A few teachers were out sick, and one of the school secretaries had shingles and was out for over a week. The other secretary had been trying hard to be "super secretary" answering the door, phones and keeping the prinicpal, students and teachers happy.  She hadn't complained, but I knew she wasn't feeling too appreciated.

One morning, I stopped at the local bakery and picked up a raspberry danish for her. When I got to work, I drew purple and pink hearts on the white bakery bag and wrote Happy Valentine's Day and Thank You on it. She gave me a huge smile when I handed it to her.

After she ate it,  she visited me in my office and gave me a great big hug and expressed her thanks to me.

We all want feel appreciated, especially when we go above and beyond at work.

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: The little things mean so much, way to go my kind friend!
Bluebell wrote: God Bless your beautiful heart. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
madeusmile wrote: It always amazes me that it takes very little to make someone feel appreciated... rather than feel abused! :) Thank you for taking time to make her realize that her efforts had been noticed. So often we think it takes things of great expense or presentation...but you're gift was worth diamonds or gold! Perfect!

You're so sweet to do that!
JuneBug wrote: Your title to the post caught my eye !! Who can resist a raspberry danish??? And from someone so sweet herself? :D
myfbil wrote: So kind and thoughtful!
Have a sunshine day! :)
irishgirl wrote: So sweet of you.

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