Readers Comments
unknown wrote: What a beautiful act yours was and what a great act it evoked ... I am very happy to hear this :) So, here's a smile gift from my end ... deepula :)
iferlamb wrote: Terrific! I love that the person how put the second cup was SO inspired they followed your lead. TOO COOL!
JuneBug wrote: I hope this keeps catching on !!! You started a wonderful thing !! :D
sonrisa wrote: What a simple idea that's created such beautiful ripples -- amazing! Thanks for what you're doing to make other smile - i think i might try this at my work too :)
1golddragonfly wrote: What a great idea! And you inspired another person - marvelous! Thank you for sharing!
sethi wrote: What a great inspiration you are for others. Keep it going.
Carolyn wrote: I have been inspired by finding this again! I look forward to being a blessing in someones life today annonomously! That is the best part.
David Haines wrote: Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing this.
Diane Blessing - Schlabach wrote: In today's volatile market place small gestures go a long way. We're bombarded with so much negativity that something as simple as a flower, pen, flashdrive or other small gesture can really make a person's day.