Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Showering People With Card Kindness

--by janntique, posted Aug 13, 2010

My aunt, a very young 70, has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  The diagnosis in itself has been shattering, all she thinks about is how her family is going to react.  She says "I'm going to go crazy", and we're all trying to explain that's not the case.  It's reasonable to say she's been going through depression, and she tells me she cries herself to sleep at night. 

I went shopping and bought a ton of funny cards.  Every three days I mail a card to her - she's out of state - and eventually she called me. "I want to know", she said, "did you recently buy stock in a card company?"  I write little funny notes inside each card, sometimes on the envelope, too. 

Maybe if you have a relative, or a sick neighbor,  or a new mother around you, you could anonymously shower them with cards.  I get a kick each time I send one to her. I hope she's enjoying them, too, I don't want her to forget that I love her.

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Readers Comments

smileamile wrote: That is a lovely idea. I know when I receive a card I feel warm inside to know that I am being thought of. :-)
trueblue wrote: How thoughtful,and clever, your aunt is lucky to have you. :-)
Ranju wrote: Hey, really wanna tell u sumthng that its a really heart touching story, this is the best way to make 1 smile and i don't thnk any1 cn do nore thn this.

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